Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring is in the air which means one thing...BASEBALL SEASON. Since I've moved up here I've been so much more into the Red Sox and I am so freakin excited for the season to start. Baseball season means Red Sox and Red Sox means....

Manny and Jacoby, my two loves. I can't wait to go to a game. AND, michelle got a job at a place right next to Fenway. So even if I can't go to the games I can go hang out there every once in a while and watch. Baseball season rocks!

Since its warm enough, our friendly neighbor, or the guy who owns the neighboring property, decided he needed to make our lives miserable. Our current parking situation is annoying enough, we have to work out three cars with three different schedules getting in and out of the driveway. It was only three because crazy downstairs neighbor went in and out the back because he has an SUV. Well now dude is putting up a wall so he can't get in and out through the way he has been. What does that mean for us? Well, we have 4 cars in three houses with 4 different schedules trying to use one driveway. It doesn't help that we avoid talking to crazy downstairs neighbor at all costs. Currently he's unemployed (again), but his "line of work" is pretending to manage bars and restaurants. Ugh, don't even get me started. On the weeknights Patrick and I pull our cars in no later than 11. We have are the only ones who have something like a normal 9-5 schedule. I have no idea what we're going to do and it is totally stressing me out.

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