Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter has come and mostly gone without anything terribly exciting. Honestly, we probably should have gone up to see what Nona was up to today, but alas. Michelle came down last night (finally!) and spent the night. I was stoked to have her see the place and providence. Unfortunately there wasn't a whole lot to do considering it was the night before easter. And today? We went to Borders. Actually, it wasn't sooo boring. We made a nice breakfast and hung out for a while. She got to meet a couple of my friends, including Dave. And in my never ending attempts to be cute and homey, the easter bunny came! Being the easter bunny (and santa of course) is freakin expensive, let me tell you that. But we got the first season of How I Met Your Mother on DVD and (most importantly) scrabble. Patrick and I played a game this evening, i won. It was a pretty low keyed visit, I wish we could have gone to the mall or seen more stuff down town. But I at least got to spend some time with her, and thats the important thing.

Right now I'm contemplating just how early I can get away with going to bed this evening. I am currently dreading waking up in the morning and doing my 9-9 shift. One day off just isn't enough. The only thing that is keeping me going is waiting for my tax return so we can get paid off on everything and *maybe, just maybe* have a little left over, though I'm not holding my breath. I want to have a little more wiggle room than we do right now. As soon as I get paid for my extra hours we can start to save up for other fun things, like a computer we desperately need. Dear god we need a new computer! Hopefully this one will last us another couple of months until we can afford it. The real world sucks

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