Thursday, October 18, 2007

I am really starting to hate my working situation. Its frustrating not being able to make enough money to be happy and on top of that be completely dissatisfied with my job. In the past few months I've grown to hate waiting tables more than anything in the world. I dread going to work and know I won't make enough money to do what I need to do. Need prescriptions? well, thats two days worth of tips. Need to go buy groceries? Thats about a week. I've busted my ass trying to find something besides the service industry but its hard. I feel completely beaten down and discouraged. Am I really that worthless of a person? We went out to happy hour with some of patrick's co workers today. The two girls were all cute and professional looking while i was in a t shirt and jeans so I could come home and change for my second shift of the day. Its not that I hate bartending too. The money is great and I have fun. I just wish that two days a week at a bar wasn't my main source of income.

1 comment:

kenneth said...

Try not to get so discouraged. Keep trying & you will find a good oppurtunity. Love Casey. Woof-Woof!