Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Big Fish RI, Big Fish

Today for the first time in my what, 6 years of working, I was canned, fired, let go or officially "laid off for sales reasons" by some stupid woman from Chow Fun (the corporate office for big fish). Now, not by my manager or anything, she sat there silently looking away from me, didn't say a single word. But thankfully I was paid three hours (minimum wage) for getting fired, that $15 is going to do me real good come time when rent's due. She didn't get any more specific than "sales reasons" so I can either assume its because the restaurant is going down hill quicker than the guys from cool runnings or because my personal sales weren't up to par. Let me just say something about my personal sales. I have had 4 shifts a week for the past month. Three of those shifts have been day shifts where any sales over $200 is something above and beyond. There were days when I personally made $2, for the whole day. After I ran out of there so they wouldn't see me cry I did what any rational just fired 22 year old woman would do, I called my mommy and cried. Now I've cried to a few different people, including my wonderful boyfriend who left work to console me (love you patrick) and now I'm just angry. I want to go beat someone up or something. Maybe not, but I wouldn't mind kicking Kim in the shins. Now I must go on my merry way, although tonight that merry way will be trash talking to restaurant for a while to my customers. Not like it will matter to Big Fish considering nobody goes anyways. Fuckers.

Now that I'm done venting I do have a game plan. That game plan consists of a few good things, first being I have another shift at the bar. I'll be working Sunday night 10-1. Sundays are a good night, its country night! Game plan part two is me going out tomorrow and finally finishing my substitute teaching stuff. Working these day shifts has made it impossible for me to do that. Part three is bothering all those places that I've sent my resumes too (including the one that emailed me back today!). All that along with finding a halloween costume for this weekend and baking a jack-o-lantern cake (thanks for the recipe jess). There is no time for more wallowing, I don't want to waste the energy anyways. Why wallow? I cried a bit, but I hated that place and didn't make any money. This is the great disco ball in the sky's way of saying "Carolyn, get up off your duff and actually do something" Hopefully that something will consist of getting a new job soon that doesn't require black non slip shoes and lots of pens.

All in all I will roll with the punches and be glad that I am out of that horrible place. If you are ever in Providence, do not go to Big Fish. hmph.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

We HATE big fish, a lot!

YOU, Carolyn McNeilly are a SUPERSTAR!