Wednesday, January 30, 2008

In the past month I've been trying to mildly alter the way I live my overall life. I'm making some improvements that are long overdue. Either that or I'm on a diet. But its not really a diet because diets don't work, weight watchers does. Who hasn't seen those commercials? Unfortunately because (surprise) I have a lack of disposable income, I'm doing it kind of weight watchers light. I am counting points and all that, just not going to the meetings, or paying for it. The whole point of weight watchers is the community and you loose more when you have support and all that jazz. For right now I have enough support in the office. Its a group effort and we're in it together, some doing better than others. Overall its an easy thing to live by. Its portion control and watching what you eat. I've already noticed a little bit of a difference in my body. I'm fitting into some things I haven't been able to in the past 6 or so months, woohoo! I'm also going to the gym three or so times a week. I was supposed to go this morning but its dreary and rainy outside and I am definitely not that dedicated yet. But I have to go early Friday morning for a personal training session to figure out what I need to be doing to start really loosing weight. This all goes back to my New Years resolution, "Do what you say you're going to do." I'm working on my eating habits and going to the gym.

While there is nothing but love in the office, outside the office I want to bang my head against the wall. And by outside I mean the kids. Somebody really dropped the ball when teaching most of these kids the idea of respect towards anyone, not just authority figures. I'm not used to being called a fucking bitch to my face, nor being called fat by a 15 year old boy. That was my day yesterday. I got called fat twice (it was a general comment towards everyone in the room, but still. Seriously, that kind of talk is unacceptable and will NOT be tolerated (thats pretty much what I say to them). My thing is, even if a kid in the south would talk to me like that they'd still turn around and say ma'am afterwards. Its just a different way of thinking down there. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids. Its just that things can be trying every once in a while. They've lived tough lives and breaking down the barriers is a long and arduous process. But I'm off to do it all over again until late tonight. *sigh* Somedays I wish I just was waiting tables. At least you could be mean back to the people!

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