Saturday, December 1, 2007

I am currently wearing my jacket, scarf AND a blanket while sitting at the computer. yes, it is that cold. to be exact, 22 degrees. for some strange reason the warmest room in the house right now is the bathroom. I'm seriously considering bundling up and chilling out in the tub with a book. Its cold enough that even with the space heater on in the living room that I had to turn on the heat. I may be all about saving money and the environment, but 22 degrees? That is no joke. The fun and games are over, its officially winter and I am super jealous of patrick for going to Florida for christmas. right now it looks like I'm going to my uncle's to hang out with them. Well, I hope so because they will be the only people around.

Even now there are little things I'm still learning about RI. Last night Patrick and I went over to a friend's house and it was our job to buy beer. That would have been all well and good except you a) can't buy beer anywhere but liquor stores and b) they all close at 10 ON A FRIDAY! Is that not the most absurd thing? It's bad enough that the liquor stores have a monopoly on beer and whatnot, but closing so early? Its a conspiracy I tell you!! So we all ended up playing Catchphrase and hanging out. Tonight is a friend's birthday party so we're going to this cool new bar. I'm supposed to be dressing up but I'm conflicted about wearing a dress, ITS TOO COLD. I am not exactly sure what I'm going to do because currently I don't have any desire to change out of my sweats which are nice and warm.

I also finished my first week of work yesterday. Actually, I didn't even go into the office. Instead I stayed in Pawtucket doing classes. I pretty much have classes up the wazoo this month for training. Its not bad, they aren't too boring and rather informative. Any extra certification I can get is a-okay to me. I'm hoping that I will start tracking by myself not this week but next week. The only thing I worry about is getting around Woonsocket. There are a few houses I can get to, but overall I'm still having trouble getting around. One of my clients said she would come with my my first night out because she knows all the houses. I gladly accepted her offer. It doesn't hurt that she's a complete darling. They are all pretty cool and I love it. Its kind of absurd how excited and happy I am about the new job. The money thing is also nice, but the main thing is that I'm out in the community doing something. After all my searching and feeling bad for myself and all that, I finally found something that I am not only good at, but I love. We're thinking about trying to start a homework help group once or twice a week. I might give it a few weeks and then email one of my old teachers from UHP and ask her for her advice. That's her big deal down in Tuscaloosa. Maybe it would even be an opportunity for me to learn some grant writing. They have a book at the library and I could email Star. It's something I need to learn how to do anyway if I'm going to stay in this line of work. Non profit work is a bitch man.

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