Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I am having serious issues dealing with the winter wonderland that is upon us right now. Will this snow EVER melt? It was fun until I had to shovel and spend 45 minutes getting my car out of the driveway. And the slipping. Even with my rocking new boots I sill manage to bust my butt once in a while. Okay, it is pretty and playing in the snow on Thursday was fun. If I didn't spend half my time in my car things would be so much prettier. With the way its looking right now we might actually have a white Christmas. While I'm not going home *sigh* I am looking forward to Christmas. Besides the 4 whole days off Barb is coming up from DC. We're going to see some family on Christmas and just bum around here.

I know I haven't been blogging as much as I should have. There have been other things that are mildly addicting, including Facebook Scrabble. Speaking of Scrabble, Sunday night we had a Christmas party at the house. Everything turned out fantastic. There were about 10ish people over and we had a blast. The food was great. I made so many different fun things and everyone loved it all. It was really nice to be able to hang out with a bunch of our friends when it wasn't bar people or athletic dept people. Mixing different groups is the whole reason for Christmas parties. That and alcohol, which we didn't go through much of since it was sunday night and everyone had to be at work/school early. Since Monday I managed to give away most of the left over dessert and now I'm working on the chicken wings (so good) and veggies. When I realized I wasn't going to be going to Alabama for Christmas I worried I wouldn't enjoy the season, but I really really am up here. Besides the fact that I miss everyone like crazy, we're having so much fun. Barb and I will probably go up to Boston to see everything decorated and Prov is also really pretty. All is well here.

I know everyone has loved hearing about my fantastic new job. Right now all I can think about is THREE FULL DAYS OFF this weekend. I have to track tonight and my cold is getting progressively more gross and I feel horribly achy. If I could just stay in bed and sleep today life would be perfect. But alas, we have to wrap presents for everyone and I get to go play in the snow this evening and then go home and cook for our work party tomorrow. On a happy, very happy note, Patrick and I are opening presents tonight!!!! I see a little blue box with a pretty little bow under our Charlie Brown Christmas tree for me!!!! Very very excited.

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