Monday, April 28, 2008

I just had a traumatic experience and I am now in mourning. Last night I made lamb stew for dinner. It was a "good try carolyn" dinner, which means "eh, don't make this again without major alterations." Patrick isn't going to outright complain, but I get it. But back to my story, I had the leftover stew in the crock pot in the fridge. I opened the fridge to make lunch and BOOM the whole thing fell on the floor, spilled and broke. I made a mess, lost at least 2 meals worth of food AND broke my crock pot. I love my crock pot. Nona gave it to me when we moved up here and I use it all the friggin time. This is awful. I just bought a new toaster and now I need a new crock pot. Granted it will be nice to have a bigger one that is a little more...modern. To top it off I had to wash the floor.

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