Friday, February 29, 2008

Patrick and I hit a new milestone in our relationship last night. We got a pet!!! Its name is Wick and....its a FISH. Last night we went for drink to the Wickeden Pub (over 100 varieties of beer!) and I, well dave, won the raffle. Dave's tickets came up twice and I got his second one, a blue fish inside a Crown bottle. Not that it matters because I am even more resolved that I am NOT having kids any time soon. I have heard way too many things about pregnancy and childbirth in the past few weeks. A client told me "I'm still leaking" yesterday in response to me asking if her water broke. Leaking? ewww. I couldn't even bring myself to touch her tummy to feel the baby. No thanks.

Someone once told me that before you have children you must first: adopt a shrub outside for a year, if it lives then get a fake plant. If that lives then get a cactus, if that lives get a plant. Then after that MAYBE a fish. We don't have any shrubs outside our house and the fake plant on the living room table is doing fantastic. So we now have a fish.

Yesterday a did my first weight in at Weight Watchers, 3.6 lbs! I'm pretty excited. I really do like Weight Watchers and the meetings are great. I need to go get a journal so I can write things down that the lady says, along with the recipes. Right now I just need to up my dedication a little bit and make sure I'm not slacking off anywhere, which I know I do.

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