Saturday, August 25, 2007

If you build it they will come

I had my first shift on the floor last night. Right now I'm not even sure how much money I made. Instead of having a wonderful time and charming all of my tables, I had a HORRIBLE migraine the whole night. I ended up having to go home early because I was so terribly sick. Because I left so early I only made like $90. But I'm trying again tonight and hopefully I can keep the migraine away.

In happier news I have a big girl job interivew on Monday. It sounds fantastic, the only problem is its a bit of a commute. I'm going to go in the morning and see if its worth it. 30 minutes I can do, an hour, eh, not so much. Its a case manager at a mental health non profit. Hopefully it will work out because that'd be awesome. AND we're having a little "get together" Thursday night over at the apartment. job, check. big girl job, check. friends, check. Thats what I thought.

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